Monday, April 6, 2009

Down again

So I weighed myself last Thursday and I'm down another 2 pounds. Of course this has been since I weighed on March 12th, but a loss is a loss. I've started walking again. 2 miles in 30 minutes. I'm going to stick with this routine 5-6 days a week for a month. This is just for me to get used to exercising.

I'm trying to make better food choices as well, but eating three handfuls of m&m's doesn't help. I have been really good though with not picking up goodies to have in the house when I'm at the grocery store like I used to. I really need to get a menu made up with what I'll eat for lunch and dinner so as to have it all on hand. Any suggestions on good recipes are always welcome.


Verlynn said...

Keep it up! I thought you were looking thinner last weekend. I'm proud of you. Just don't beat yourself up if you slip once in a while. You're the bomb.

Merrivonne said...

Dear, sweet Natalie. Oh how I understand what you are going through. I have battled weight my entire life and still am doing so. It is not an easy task, it is something that one must be very consciencious in doing every day, every minute. A few ideas: get celery sticks and keep them handy to munch on. Instead of snacking on candy or sweets, get cheese stick or a piece of meat. Drink lots of water and keep on exercising. Your walking will help the endorphins in your brain to kick in with the good feelings. Go online and find a 1200 calorie diabetic diet. They are well-balanced and will help you to decide what to eat. Another thing we've tried is to join weightwatchers online or south beach diet online. These two programs help with the weight loss and also have interactive activities. Last but not least, take your burdens to the Lord....He will help to make your pathway easy and your burdens light. We're all behind you! Good luck in all you do. Love you.