Friday, August 29, 2008

Horrible Start

Ok, so all I've accomplished so far is beautifying this blog.  I have yet to get a plan set forth to follow as far as the weight loss goes.  Perhaps in the next couple of days I'll come up with the first steps I'm gonna take and just take it nice and easy.  

I did want to say though, that I'm so proud of Loney.  He has lost soo much weight with in the last few years.  It's almost like I have the 25 year old man back in my life, only better.  I only hope I can get crackin' so I can look as good as he does.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

And so it begins

I've decided to start a weight loss blog to help me document my journey.  I've started and stopped for years, and I think one of the main things that has held me back is the accountibility.  Perhaps this blog will help in that aspect.  I know there will be the good times and bad, but as long as I progress to my goal, then it'll all be worth it.  Perhaps I'll be able to show my kids the struggles I went through so they don't have to go through the same thing.