Monday, June 22, 2009

No excuses

I'm the extreme excuse maker when it comes to my health and exercise. I always put my children and hubby first. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but I still need to keep my needs in check as well. If I don't do something about the extra weight I have, I won't be around to do things for my family.

So, starting today:

1. Exercise of some sort for 30 minutes not matter where or what. I'll shoot for 5 days a week by the end of the month.

2. No more sweets. They are my biggest downfall as far as my diet goes. I've got to wean myself off of them for at least 2 months, then only on the rare occation will I have something.

3. Drink more Water! Expecially now that it's getting so hot. I've heard that you're supposed to drink half of your body weight in ounces. I'm definately not drinking near enough.

I'm basically only going to focus on those goals for the rest of this month and July. So I guess I should get off my lazy butt and get my 30 minutes in!!

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