Monday, September 22, 2008

Still nothing

I'm at a stand still.  No progress being made with my weight loss, but at least I haven't been gaining.  I've been able to weigh myself on my MIL's scale, and it's not as bad as I had originally thought.  Just gotta plug along and find that nitch that will keep me motiviated.  Now that it's getting cooler, I'm thinking of going for a walk with the kids after dinner.  Will be good for them to get out of the house, as well as me.  At least I'm not beating myself up over all of this.


Unknown said...

Don't give up! You'll find your motivation soon...I just know it.

Verlynn said...

Don't be beating.. I'd be permanently black and blue if I did that. I'll let you know if I find any motivation lurking about.